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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Steps to represent how much I pretend to know how to live right...

If there was a book of instructions to life, I would have it on my bookshelf - bookmarked, doggy-eared, sticky notes sticking out at all angles and writing all down the margins (much like the work of art that is my English novel).

But there is no guide to living which, I guess, contributes to the fun bit where we, as individuals, have to figure it out for ourselves. I'm trying. I truly am.

So, what do I do in order to survive?

  1. Don't stay in the same country. Duh.​
  2. Always document holidays.
  3. Never picked fresh fruit? I'm ashamed.
  4. Put the phones down and pick the books up.
  5. Never forget to save funny memes.
  6. Limit myself to one piece of cake? Please.
  7. Note to self: family will never let you down.
  8. No filter is better than a filter turning brown eyes to blue.
  9. Speak a second language (which should be a necessity).
  10. Never try to draw or paint. I just can't.
  11. Lighting candles can be romantic, but is totally unsafe.
  12. Something I've learnt: ugly selfies are better than fake laughing for model shots.
  13. Feel bad for taking breaks during study? Pfft, I don't care!
  14. Bread is full of carbs? Sorry, what did you say? My hearing is a bit off today.
  15. I'm never afraid to sing and dance when I'm home alone. (Talking to my dog is also acceptable)
  16. Set goals. Make lists. Write a blog about setting goals and writing lists.
  17. Walk, don't run. I see so much more.
  18. Suck in my tummy (it's just like doing sit-ups).
  19. Laugh, because it's an even better workout.
  20. Wear sunglasses on my head to save a bad-hair day.
  21. In a bad mood? Cuddles with dogs cure all.
  22. Pencil over pen.
  23. Have 50+ photos in my bedroom to promote happiness.
  24. NEVER throw away old birthday cards.
  25. Beach walk to start to the day (the best/only way).
  26. Clean bed sheets regularly (keeps the nightmares away).
  27. Stop bothering with nail polish.
  28. Go camping - it's always better than a hotel.
  29. Realise that people in books will always seem to have a better life than me.
  30. Always drive with music on (and no, I don't care if people are staring at me at the traffic lights).
  31. Never overlook my friends.

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