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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Choosing a degree is scarier than memorising my biology notes...

The future.

I've had enough of trying to decide what to do. Let's just get that time machine rolling so I can jump forward to ruin the surprise. (Let's also take a look at future technology so I can recreate it and beat the inventors to the chase. That may or may not be plagiarism. Such big, impressive dreams of mine.)

Back to this ugly topic.


"Find the derivative of the function and hence determine when the function is increasing and decreasing. State the coordinates of all stationary points."

(snorts) Will this maths question help me in anyway with taxes, shares or managing money in the future? Unlikely. Should have chosen Maths Applications. Shoulda, coulda, woulda!


In the senior study centre at school there is The Shelf. It is worse than all the homework scribbled throughout the pages of my ripped/folded/mistreated but actually awesome diary*. Stacked upon The Shelf are brochures and brochures of university information: the courses, the entry requirements, why you should go to one university over another...

*Tip One: Make lists! Not because they're overly important, but it's a killer feeling when you get to cross things off (especially multiple things simultaneously...especially maths...especially a career you now know you don't want to have)

If no one else is going to say it, I will: Stuff you, uni! Seriously, a bunch of formally structured paragraphs describing all the different courses (using posh words I will never understand) is not any more helpful with a bunch of students fake smiling on the cover, holding books related to subjects they probably don't even study.* Maybe that's a bit harsh... (guilty grin)

Plus, the entry requirements (aka ATAR score) are extremely intimidating. Let's just cover those with a sticky note (with a hand-drawn smiley face).

But come on. Reading all these course descriptions is not going to tell me whether or not I will enjoy a degree. Gosh, who knows? I'll probably hate it!

*Tip Two: Study in the Library. Helps prevent gaze drifting towards The Shelf and resultant stomach ache.

My best friend's aiming for Veterinary Science - I could do that. Sure, I like animals. I have a dog.

Another one of my friends is going back home to Canada to study - not sure I could do all my studies in Canada. But would definitely investigate an exchange.

My mum studied music and then became a teacher - doubt I could put up with that many kids on a daily basis (really hoping that will change if I ever choose to have children).

I could study law. Yes! I can see myself standing up for others. Pity there are ZERO jobs.

Or I could always go into a trade. Plumbing would be a blast.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe I'm doubting myself too much. Maybe I'm being too negative. Probably. Not a complete surprise.

Tip Three: Be more positive.

Tip Four: Write better tips.

Tip Five: Avoid tips altogether.

Tip Six: Stop talking about the future. Get back to work and focus on The Now (if that's not the name of a movie yet, I call dibs).

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